Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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B.V.M. (U.S.N.) endeavours to promote Parent – Teachers Co-ordination « 16/May/2018

B.V.M. (U.S.N.) endeavours to promote Parent – Teachers Co-ordination
The Interactive series ‘Lets Connect to get the best’ – A parents – Teachers conjoint session was successfully held at B.V.M. (U.S.N.) today. The parents zealously attended the session in the school auditorium. The event commenced with Deep Prajwalan.  Mrs. Sunita Khera (PRT) acquainted the parents with the curricular and the co-curricular activities, criteria of Examination and evaluation and also familiarised them about the importance of Parents Identity Cards for the security of their wards. To inculcate moral values in students she emphasized on the need to learn school prayer. To enhance reading skills at home, news paper reading to be encouraged. To develop their scientific & innovative skills, students can experiment at ATAL by thinking out of the box. Principal Mrs. Bandana Sethi emphasized on the overall development on their child and acquainted them with the ways to handle their wards leading for adolescence. She emphasized on the importance of Parents and teachers healthy co-ordination to extract the best out of their children. Mrs. Narinder Kaur (TGT) abreast the parents about the glorious history & achievements made by Bhartiyans. She also sought the same  co-operation in the coming years too. Mrs. Chander Prabha (TGT) enlightened the parents about need of imbibing moral values in their children in the contemporary era. For their intellectual and ethical growth to meet the everyday challenges in life. Mrs. Geeta Mishra and Mrs. Rachna (PRT) highlighted the importance of Yog for the physical as well as mental fitness. The event culminated successfully with Vande Matram.